Shadetuff® zoysia is an Australian owned and developed medium to fine-textured Zoysia Matrella turfgrass variety.
The first thing that people notice about Shadetuff® zoysia is the vibrant green colour – which adds a touch of class to home lawns, high impact public areas, and golf facilities.
Shadetuff® performs well from full sun through to heavy dappled tree shade (80% reduction in sunlight), growing more slowly as shade increases.
It resists short periods of very heavy wear (e.g. festivals and events in public areas) better than other turfgrasses, and is also highly salt tolerant.
Shadetuff® is slower growing and requires less mowing and general maintenance than couches or buffalo grasses.
Versatile and tough – Shadetuff® withstands both cold, frosty winters and hot, tropical summers.
It is ideally suited to diverse conditions from temperate southern regions through to the northern Australian tropics.
Environment Suitability
Residential Backyard – Sheldon, Queensland
Shaded Area, Manly Golf Club – Manly, New South Wales
Parklands near Breakwater & Nelly Bay Ferry Terminal – Magnetic Island, Townsville, Queensland
Key Features
Shadetuff® tops commercial ratings in independent trials.
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Shadetuff® zoysia matrella is an Australian developed, managed and owned variety, and has been developed by Dr Donald Loch of GeneGro Pty Ltd. Dr Loch maintains over 50 years of local and international experience in both turf and pasture grasses. If you are a turf grower or supplier – and interested in Shadetuff® zoysia, contact GeneGro and Elite Green.